Tuesday, April 20, 2010

187.5(-27 lbs)

I have been busy again and have not posted in a while - sorry!

I have still been on a constant "cheating" run. I have been eating out almost EVERYDAY. While I try to make healthy choices, and NEVER eat fast food, it is still prohibiting faster weight loss. I am tending towards my favorite Asian fare(Sushi, Vietnamese) and have even splurged on a couple of my favorite sandwiches at Spec's deli. I will admit that the Asian food has been delightful, but the sandwiches were a let down. They did not offer enough flavor in relation to the calories. For me, if I am going to go off "plan" then it better be GREAT. I had some amazing food at my Mom's wine party that was completely worth the lack of weight loss, but most of the food I have eaten, especially the Mexican food, has not thrilled me in the least.

I did have a margarita(two actually) at Taylor's b-day brunch, but considering I was only able to fit in one complete meal for 4 days straight, I rationalized that I need the calories. HA! I did lose weight, but only because I was lacking in my calorie intake. Not healthy, but also not intentional.

I was very hungry, moody and tired the last two weeks(that time), but now I am back to normal and I can tell that I am not as hungry and am also not making excuses for why I can go off "plan". I went grocery shopping yesterday and bought Brocciflower. It is a cross of broccoli and cauliflower and basically looks like green cauliflower. I will be streaming it tonight and will report back next time.

The Avon Walk went well and I completed 39.3 miles and raised all the money(thanks to you all). I am now training for a 5k. Sarah and I have registered for the Relay for Life 5k on May 1st. It is a run/walk and we are not going to be competing for time, but I am going to try to run as much of it as possible and really push myself.

Now that I have been in the gym regularly and doing weight training, i feel like i enjoy running more and i am more balanced, even when walking in heels(maybe I won't fall as often- HAHA!). I am also beginning to like my arms again and I can really see a difference in my face, neck and collarbone area.

I am definitely starting to come to the realization that I am smaller, but I still feel big most days. Sarah gave me some pajama pants to wear while we were lying around her house last week and I looked at them and said "those are way to small. they will never fit me." I truly believed it, but Sarah insisted they would and sure enough, I put them on and realized, "wow, I have lost weight." Sounds strange, I know........

I am fitting into a few size 12 pants, but my 14's are all too big. I would love to be in an 8 eventually. I think I will be set if I can lose another 30 pounds,for a total of 57-60 pounds. My original goal was 70 pounds, but I still think that I am going to be happier with my body shape at around 150 pounds. I have ALWAYS weighed more than I look like I weigh. I know this and have had MANY others tell me this. According to my trainers, I have an unusually high natural muscle mass, so when I work out, it will cause me to be a little heavier on the scale, but the metabolistic benefits, as well as my overall health will more than make up for the extra numbers on the scale.

I have committed to cutting out wine again for this week and only having a glass on special occasions. I know this will help me to get to my goal, and I am confident I will be able to maintain once I get there.

Thank you again for all your encouraging words and prayer! Love you all!


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