Wednesday, March 3, 2010


I am so sorry to have gone so long without writing anything. Work has been very time consuming the last few weeks!

I finally hit my 20 pound weight loss milestone last week! Quick weight loss had me do a seven day metabolism break, where you eat a higher amount of protein with a lot of salad greens and a half of a grapefruit every meal. I was NOT excited about the grapefruit at all, but I ended up putting it on my salad as a topping and it added a nice refreshing zing that made eating the same fruit at every meal a bit less monotonous. I was not sure that the metabolism break would actually do what the QWLC intended, which is to give your metabolism a jump-start of sorts, but it did seem to work. They tell you that you should not expect to lose any weight in the "break" week, but I lost about a pound, and even went off the plan twice. I admit that I had some lasagna the Saturday that I was supposed to be eating only salad and protein, but I only had three bites. It was good, but I was content with just a little. I also had some bites of the pasta dishes that my companions had ordered. I felt content after my meal and not guilty. It was a nice change from my usual experience at an Italian restaurant. I lost 3 pounds as soon as I got back into my regular diet the following Monday.

One of the more surprising things I have found is that I can actually feel it when I eat things that are high in fat. I had a work function at a great little French restaurant and we nibbled at a little of everything, but I think the Foie Gras must have thrown my digestive track into a tailspin. I awoke at about 2am with horrible cramping and nausea. No more Foie Gras for me......

I made a great stir fry last night with red and green peppers(I usually HATE green bell pepper, but truly believe my taste buds are changing) and seared some Ahi Tuna and placed it on top. Yes, presentation is key to making my feel like I am spoiling myself. I usually use at least 2 plates/bowels, so it seems that I have more food. I even go as far as to NOT use my green plates if the food I am eating is all green, like a salad or broccoli, asparagus, zucchini, etc. It sounds strange, but it works. Make your food more attractive to your eyes and I promise, it will taste better too.

My friend Jennie had a great idea to make tuna tartare with the sushi grade Ahi Tuna that I get from Costco. I am going to use lime juice and incorporate wasabi into the recipe somehow. It will be perfect for the hot weather we will be getting any day now.

I have attached a picture that somewhat shows my weight loss. I will try to take more this weekend. I am to the point that most of my clothes are too big, but my Mom has handed down some of her clothes she has grown out of, so I am making it through. All I can say is, I am glad that I work with mainly men, because they do not seem to notice when you wear the same outfits all the time. Oh, and they tell you that you are getting too skinny, even when you are planning on losing at least 30 more pounds!

I know this blog is a bit all over the place - but this is what comes out when I am not in a "writing mood". I do not know how professional writers do it all the time. It would take me YEARS to write a book and the frustration in trying to find words when your brain is not cooperating with you....well it sucks!

One final note, my MOM said that I have not talked about my AVON WALK FOR BREAST CANCER that is coming up in April. I know most of you know about it because I have sent out emails constantly, but I am going to ask you to donate any amount you can as often as you can. This is a great cause, but if I do not raise a minimum of $1,800, I will not be able to participate in the walk. I am just over $300 now, so thank you to those of you who donated. I know times are tight, but give ANYTHING you can by clicking HERE.

Thanks!!!! Hugs and kisses!

1 comment:

Alissa M said...

WAYYYYY TO GOOO MAK!! Thats awesome!!! Such a big accomplishment!!! I'm so proud of you!! You can keep doing it!!!