Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Well, I have a had a challenging 2 weeks. Most of it due to my own lack of self-control.

Work has been filled with winemakers and winery owners, which is great, except for all the after work Happy Hours and paid lunches! I proved one thing to myself in the last 2 weeks: I am not good at saying "NO" when food and wine are put in front of me. I actually had one day when I was PMSing, and in a bad mood, and I wanted a glass of wine to relax. Well, that glass ended up being a full bottle, and by the end of the week I had gained 4lbs. Basically, I have been in a fight with my own self control and self-confidence these last 2 weeks. I used my fun filled calendar as an excuse and even when I was the only one making the food choices, I still "cheated" at almost every meal. I will admit, I was looking in the mirror and thinking, "Hey Makenzi, you are looking pretty good. You have lost 20 pounds!" This is true, but I seemed to forget I still have 50 pounds to lose. This week I have made a point of saying it out loud. When someone compliments me on my weight loss, I say, "Thank you. I only have 50 more to go."

Well, my Mom has kept up with her weight loss and is getting very close to her goal, so that motivated me to let go of this selfish, "I can do what I want to" attitude.

I knew I did not have an after work events this week, so I am taking advantage of it. I got back in the gym last week, and my trainer is clearly learning how to work me. He "urged" me to go ahead and book some sessions for the future week. I would rather get my butt to the gym then have to call him and cancel an appointment. I trained last Wednesday and by Friday, I could not walk up the stairs because I was so sore, but I got back to the gym on Saturday and did a training walk for the Avon Walk on Sunday. I am back at it this week with 2 gym sessions and a training walk! He even got me to run and that is a miracle(and it truly was not so bad.)I am not cheating on my food, and one of the QWLC counselors told me that if I have a glass of wine(ONE GLASS, not one bottle)I need to cut out a fruit and a starch, which has been helpful.

I am going to be wearing one of my size 12 "goal dresses" this weekend for my friend Julie's wedding, so I will get some pics to post. Above are a few recent ones.

Thanks to everyone who is still reading and especially to those of you who keep reminding me that I need to blog. I think it is like weight-ins: when you know you are up in pounds, you avoid going to weigh in. When I have bad weeks, I don't write. That darned being honest with myself thing! This is one of my motivations to get into the gym. I will feel better and I can have my glass of wine, too(just no cake, yet)!


1 comment:

Lindsay said...

I think you are amazing!! Self-control is a tricky business but you are doing so great!! Love you!!